Pray The Rosary Here
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Monday, October 4, 2010

Something new!

I spent my weekend doing something a bit different: jewelry.  Time to get ready for Christmas! My relatives are mostly Luthern, so Rosary gifts are right out , but jewelry fits in nicely. So as long as I am making for them, I'll be listing some in the shops as well.  First up--

 It's a delightful mixture of African Jade, Swarovski Crystals, amber seed beads and wire work. It is 24" long and drapes beautifully. See it in the shop-
It will dress up the simplest outfit.
It is sturdily made--with hammered wire, extra strong braided bead thread--ready for some serious wear!

Kitty News
Squeaker Fluffytail is fluffy no more: I had her shaved to remove the mats that inevitably seem to crop up on her back and sides. And, voila!--once she was shaved, she was a totally different kitty! Affectionate, wanting/loving to be petted,  purring to beat the band--all things she never did as a long-hair! I can only surmise that her fluffy coat was uncomfortable, esp with mats, and that she is thrilled to be free of them. Maxx gave her wide berth for several days ("who is this new cat????") but all is well again. I'm thrilled that Squeaker, who always seemed stand-offish and not affectionate, has found her true self. She shall stay shaved--except for that glorious fluffy tail, of course!
All for now,

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