Pray The Rosary Here
Pray the Rosary daily with others from around the world.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Black Pearl and Sterling--an elegant combo

Top Grade Black Pearls drenched in Sterling...
4+ ounces of Sterling in this substantial Rosary. The color play in the black pearls is wonderful!
Let me tell you a bit about the Pearls: they are Freshwater pearls, grade AA+. What does that mean? Well, Pearls come in all grades, from not much better than dirt (Check out the $4 so called 'AAA' 'black pearls' on the internet.) to the rare and extremely expensive Tahitians. Good Pearls are expensive. They always have been--in the middle ages, they were more expensive than any gemstone. The highest grade in Pearls is AAA, and these pearls only miss that mark because they are not all perfectly round and matched--but I challenge you to notice that in a Rosary, unlike a necklace! They have the highest rating in Luster (Very High), are 90-95% Blemish free, have a Very Thick rating for Nacre (the pearl coating) meaning at least 0.35mm thickness, and Very good rating in smoothness--meeting the criteria for AA+ grading. A thick nacre is especially important if you pray it daily--this Rosary is meant to last through your lifetime and into the next--but probably the most impressive aspect --the 'Wow' factor--of these Pearls is the exceptional Luster. The color, too, is gorgeous--deep, with overtones of pink, purple and blue (sometimes referred to as 'peacock tones'). All in all, they live up to their rating and keep the pricing on this Rosary out of the stratosphere.
Check it out in my Etsy shop:!

In Other News..
It was a particularly warm and beautiful autumn day--and I had the whole day free to finish up this Rosary while the furry quadrupeds basked in the sun, then sat in the open windows meditating. Do Kitties pray, I wonder? They are always so happy with a beautiful day, I can't help but think they give thanks!

All for now,